Sunday, 24 May 2015

Una Happy Sunday ooo.

Happy Sunday to you all. A new work week beckons. Due to the continued fuel shortage/scarcity, my story bank has dried up pending when supply will occur. My apologies are heartfelt and sincere.                              

Yes, its another week, the last in the month of May. For most of us, month end brings us as much joy as Christmas to a child. A paycheck is on its way. Yes, but this time around I'm not happy at all. What's there to be happy about (apart from life) when almost all the money will go to transportations due to the undying fuel scarcity.

Please what is going on? I really feel like ranting today but today isn't Thursday, moreover I'm too weak for that. Imagine me standing at my work bustop around past 5am, and was there for more than 30 minutes cos there was no bus. My prayer was that I shouldn't be mobbed. I also noticed that for the past 3days now, cars are being parked overnight at a particular filling station close to my office, ofcourse, it's at their own risk, but what's the probability that the filling station will even sell?

I was passing by and overheard a car owner literally begging a black market seller to please sell a 7litres of fuel for 3500 naira, but the guy insisted on 4k last while walking away. Have you noticed that radio stations are now closing up really early for two days or more now. Classic fm started by 12pm and closed by 3pm today to resume 6am tomorrow, cos they are rationing. For people who have light,  how are the TV stations doing?

In fact,  this has turned to a mini tantrum post. I'm so angry joor. This is killing the masses. Do they expect Buhari to magically tell them to start selling fuel immediately he's sworn in or what? Is it his government that has refused to pay the debt? How long are we gonna remain like this in this country? How can an oil producing nation suffer like this? I'm tired joor.
Mum and Dad should better be Americans or Canadians in the next world cos I don't wanna be born here. No offence biko.
Una takia and a happy Sunday to you all. #straightface.


  1. Biko the sunday ain't happy oooo

    See as we dey charge phone for church today!!!! It's not funny menh

    Pamscribbers are on strike. No fuel to charge phone, till further notice..

    Signed----Committee of Pamscribbers

    1. I'm almost tempted to second that cos this is soo insane, but pls don't go on strike ooo. Ejoo.

    2. Ahahahahahaha PAM

      Thank God we are back!!!

  2. Pammie's crib president have spoken so let the strike begins. All those trekking from Lagos to Abuja this is the best time to put their talent to work.

  3. The fuel situation is horrible. How did you get to church today? Bicycle?

  4. it is terrible,this is my first time to experience this.oh thanks to loving hubby who bought 50liters of fuel for keep since 2weeks to dey use am small small till when they come back to their senses
    is it that the end is near? cos i really do not understand.

  5. Its terrible, what is happening in this country? No light ,No fuel,
    My phone has been off since Saturday. Just charging it at work
    They had better find a lasting solution to this bullshit oo cos I dey para

  6. Maybe we should just buy wheel chairs and wheel ourselves to work


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twitter: @pamciekeem
I.G: pamela_orji